Classes & Recreational Opportunities
Better Learning Through Better Health
Open Gym
Open gym provides space and opportunity for students to participate in recreational sports and athletic club meetings with their peers in the campus community. Open gym times and activities will vary quarter by quarter, but may include basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, running and pickleball.
Interested in joining or creating an athletic club? Visit TCC's Office of Student Enagement for more information!
Fall 2024 Hours
Gym Opens Sept. 25
Open Gym: Baskektball
Monday 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Open Gym: Volleyball
Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Open Gym: Soccer
Wednesday 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Open gym activities will be open to currently enrolled students and TCC employees only. Students and staff are asked to check in at the fitness center by showing a current college issued ID prior to participation.
STUDENT IDAcknowledgement
Each year, prior to entry for the first time, each student or staff member must sign the assumption of risk form. Individuals may be asked to complete a separate acknowledgement of risk when participating in special events or club sponsored activities.
The Code of Conduct applies to both the fitness center and open gym participation, and is intended to ensure the safety of all visitors. Please review the Code of Conduct prior to participation and contact Access Services to facilitate approved accommodations.
CODE OF CONDUCT (PDF)Fitness Education

Individual & Group Fitness Classes
Each quarter the fitness center coordinator, Coach Maz, will offer individual and/or group fitness classes for the TCC community to join. These classes are built for people of all experience levels and abilities.
Group Exercise Classes:
- Boot camp
- Functional training
Ongoing Individual Exercise:
- Stair step challenge
- Fitness bingo
- Tough Titan Workouts (quick no-equipment workouts)
- Individual cardio (track, treadmill and elliptical workouts)

PE Classes
(for credit)
Our facility hosts engaging Physical Education classes every quarter, such as:
- Total Fitness
- Weight Training
- Toning
- Walking for Wellness
- Badminton & Pickleball
- Cardio Fitness
- Yoga
- Hiking
- Bowling
And much more! Check out TCC’s current class offerings and talk with your advisor to learn more.